

The information provided in this section is purely for educational purposes and you should check with your veterinarian for advice on dealing with health issues with your animals.

Diarrhea is condition where the feces (manure) is more fluid or watery than normal.  It can be caused by bacteria, parasites or diet.  The following are the various situations you can experience when lambs have diarrhea.

1.  Lamb is eating normally and appears to be okay except that it has diarrhea.  Your lamb probably has coccidia.  If the lamb is on pasture, it may also have worms.  Take a sample of his manure to the veterinarian and have it checked.  If positive for coccidia, you will want to treat it with sulfamethazine.  If positive for worms, it should be dewormed.  Talk to your veterinarian or your leader on how to obtain the drugs and how much to give.

2.  Lamb is not eating his grain, will eat hay, has diarrhea.  You have probably increased his grain too rapidly and the lamb has a slight case of acidosis.  Take his grain away for 2 days, then start feeding 1/4 lb a day and work the lamb back up just as you did when you first started feeding him.

3.  Lamb is not eating hay or grain, acts droopy or depressed, has diarrhea.Same as 2 except the lamb got way too much grain.  Treat the lamb with penicillin or Tylan 200 for 2 days.  Give 1/4 cup of Pepto Bismol.  If the lamb does not appear better in a couple of days, treat for acidosis or take him to your veterinarian

4. Sometimes you will see worms in the manure of your lamb. Usually he will not have diarrhea. These are tapeworms. Tapeworms are the only ones big enough to see. Worm with Safeguard.