Bluefaced Leicester

The Bluefaced Leicester is of the English Longwool type of sheep. They originated from Border Leicester individuals selected for the blue face (white hairs on black skin) and finer fleeces. The wool is classed as demi-luster and fine.
Border Leicester

Border Leicester sheep with long, lustrous wool have been in Leicestershire, England since the earliest recorded history of the British Isles and are responsible for the improvement and development of other longwool breeds. They yield a long-stapled, lustrous, coarse wool that is much in demand by hand spinners.

The Cormo was developed in the earlier part of the 1960′s in Tasmania, Australia. To arrive at the current day Cormo rams of the Corriedale breed were crossed with Superfine Saxon Merinos. The name Cormo is from the names of two of the parent breeds, Corriedale and Merino. They are a polled breed.

Finnsheep or Finnish Landrace, as they are known in their native country of Finland are considered to be several hundred years old, descending from the Mouflon that live in the wild on Sardinia and Corsica and also said to be related to other Scandinavian short-tailed sheep.

The Jacob sheep is a rare breed of small, colored with white spots, multi-horned sheep. Jacobs are usually raised for their wool, meat, and hides. They are also kept as pets and ornamental animals, and have been used as guard animals to protect farm property from theft or vandalism and defend other livestock against predators.

The Shetland is a primitive, unimproved breed noted for its natural hardiness, lambing ease, longevity, and ability to survive under harsh conditions. It is one of the smallest breeds of sheep.