April Meeting Notes…
LVSPA Meeting
LC Extension Office, March 17, 2022
Attendees: Linda Landreth, Linda Schnaible, Tracy Kirkman, Bridget Brown, Lauren & Sean Torstrom, Terry Nelson and Joan Baker
Welcome, and call to order by VP Landreth at 7:05 pm.
President’s updates: none submitted.
Treasurer’s report: $11,296 in the bank.
Old business:
Bluemont Fair: discussion of participating September 17 & 18 for both Wool Shop & Sausage Booth ensued.
Wool Shop – Schnaible will complete the application and mail it in with the $85 fee for one 10 x 10’ space. Two volunteers will be needed each date to man the booth. Set up and breakdown help will also be needed.
Sausage Booth – Landreth will contact Donnie Ulmer about where to get the lambs (e.g., 4H, member farm, etc.) and Lara Dunlap, who oversaw the booth with Lynn UpDegrove, to see if she is interested in doing so again and what is needed. Both will report back at the May meeting.
Landreth encouraged members to learn more about the mobile unit demonstrated at the January meeting. Certification is required to use the unit and includes online modules and a hands-on class, passage of a quiz and butchering & fabrication skills. Certification fee $100. Details can be found: https://www.ext.vsu.edu/mobile-processing-unit
New business:
Southern States Discount – flyer attached, good through the end of April.
Website Management: The current vendor submitted an invoice of $1,000 for 2022 that was discussed as being high for the services provided. Kirkman will get quotes from other vendors for comparison, Brown will research who our domain is registered with (Go Daddy or Small Orange) and when it is up for renewal and Schnaible will contact the current vendor to confirm if website hosting is included in the invoice.
Schnaible brought up the confusion of the membership running Oct-Nov and not Jan-Dec. As treasurer she noted it makes end of year reconciliation difficult. Discussion ensued and bylaws consulted. A motion was made by Kirkman to change dues to run January 1 to December 31, with invoicing going out in October. Brown seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Nelson asked about the future focus of the club and recommended more social engagement, if possible. Landreth agreed and suggested that as we come out of covid we need to rebuild our social activities, with a focus of networking and building relationships and mentoring. Kirkman noted that in December the officers approved a 2022 schedule that every other month the meetings be in person, with and education or social aspect, and the remainder of meetings would be officers only. Schnaible suggested that we hold the June meeting as a social with dinner. She will research and reserve a restaurant.
Landreth noted that the Frederick Fiberfest is Saturday, 4/23/22, and free with preregistration. Tickets and information can be found at: fredericknewspost.com/goto/fiberfest.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Next meeting: May 6, 1 – 2:45 pm at Head Spring Fiber Mill. LVSPA members will host the New River Valley Sheep & Goat Club. This is a great opportunity to network with other producers and tour the mill if you have not been. Arrive before 1 pm and park in the designated area as the tour bus will block the driveway at 1 pm. If you can come early and stay late to help with set up/break down, plan to arrive at 12:30 and stay until 3:30 pm. Mill address: 1561 Leetown Rd., Summit Point, WV 25446. Dress for the weather. Landreth will provide drinks & snacks. Any questions please contact Bridget at 703-999-3363 or bbridget@comcast.net.